Half Remembered, Half Made Up, acrylic and graphite on canvas, 24x 24x 1.5 in. One of the paintings I've been working on at the Vermont Studio Center. © 2016 kristen m. watson
I hope you had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving holiday.
I arrived at the Vermont Studio Center to begin a month-long artist residency a few days before Thanksgiving. It took a bit to get settled. With lots of new (and friendly!) faces, communal meals, and making a home and studio away from home, it's been a busy time.
I've already had so many amazing conversations and have taken pages of notes and it's only been ten days. Whew!
The short days and foul weather have made it easy to cloister myself in the studio and get back to my work, with my sketchbook and my head brimming with ideas from a recent jaunt to NYC and a slew of Vermont and NH exhibits. (Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to see images from NYC, and from the VSC studio.)
I've been reacquainting myself with my painting palette, brushes, and collage materials after a long hiatus of only making installation work (Digital Immigrant & the SHE Project).
the SHE Project closed on October 29. A huge 'THANK YOU!' for all the support Mary and I received for this show. Besides two well attended receptions, feature articles have appeared in Seven Days and Take Magazine, Art New England and we did a very fun radio interview with Mary Williams for Art Hounds on Vermont Public Radio. Have a listen!
Objects of industry (Pin up), 2016, From the SHE Project - part I, Velcro curlers,
Gil Elvgren art reproductions, adhesive, acrylic gesso, mirror, $650. ©2016 kristen m. watson
Continuing the "Project"... Got an idea?
In addition to conceptualizing part II and considering bringing on other artists that are speaking to the female experience, Mary and I are working on placing the show in other venues. If you know of a university (or other) museum or gallery that would be interested please email me.
New City Galerie Artist in Residence
January-May 2017
I'm excited to announce the I've been invited as an artist in residence at the New City Galerie, 132 Church Street, Burlington, VT. This is a unique opportunity because New City is a gallery space with three art studios attached, so everyday is open studio. I'm looking forward to working in such a unique environment. I'll have works for sale and may am developing some workshops so stay tuned for more info, and please stop by and say hello. The residency lasts six months and begins January 2017.
Show some LOVE for the Creative Economy this Holiday
There's nothing better that receiving unique, hand-made Art for the holidays (or any time). And let's be honest, artists need to sell their work so they can afford to make more!
Now it's more important than ever to show yourLOVE for the artists in your community. Please consider making a purchase from me or another local artist this season.
You can find a variety of very affordably priced works of art (original and archival reproductions) on my website, many under $100. My site is up to date with all the latest encrypting so it's safe to shop, but it's OK if you'd rather not buy online. I welcome your call or email.
Please shop early!
I personally process, pack and ship each and every order.
You can also show some LOVE to the creative economy by joining me at Helen Day art Center this Friday evening. I'll be taking a break from my residency to attend. Event details below.
Helen Day Art Center
Holiday Art Show & Sale
Festival of Trees & Light
December 2-31, 2016
Opening Reception:
Friday, December 2, 5-8pm
(free and open to the public)
Click here for hours & directions.
On View Now
Eyes that Can See
A photography exhibit featuring original artworks made in Vermont. Available for purchase.
Selected images from my photographic series Homestead: the Journey Back to Mother are on display now.
Juried & Curated by Monika Rivard
New City Galerie
132 Church Street, Burlington, VT
Click here for hours & directions
Intuitive works in collage, paint, and ink
A rotating exhibition of original artworks available for purchase.
Curated by SEABA
Innovation Center
128 Lakeside Drive, Burlington, VT
Open daily.
Upcoming Exhibits
Brattleboro Museum of Art
Selected works from the TMI Series (part of Digital Immigrant) will be on display (and for sale) along with other digital & photographic art.
January 14-March 5, 2017
Opening Reception Brunch: Saturday, January 14, 11am.
(free and open to the public)
Click here for hours & directions.
I know the holidays can be hectic. I wish you time to nurture your creative spirit, feel the gratitude for all the blessings in your life, and cultivate peace and joy with your loved ones.
With deep gratitude for your continued interest and support,
Big thanks to all those who supported my crowdfunding campaign and to the Vermont Studio Center, the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts for their financial support.