This very popular workshop fills quickly. Each date covers the same material, but many people return or buy all dates at once because it’s so much fun and it’s a great investment in your creative self care. 2.5 hour workshop. Multiple options
Spring 2020 Fridays
* February 7 or
* March 6 or
* April 3 or
* May 1 or (sign up for all 4 and save!)
Time: 9:00 am - 11:30 am
Location: 916 Shelburne Road
In this class you'll learn a new approach to painting developed at River Gallery School in Brattleboro, by Ric Campman. Sequencing is a hands-on, intuitive approach that allows beginners and more experienced artists to enter the process of painting without the common feelings of self-doubt, technical inadequacy, or uncertainty.
Studio time will begin with brief guided meditation after which you'll move into your work at your own pace with a spirit of simplicity and a beginner's mind along with guidance and support from certified Sequencing Instructor Kristen M. Watson. Sequencing values process over outcome and the focus is on awareness of and joy in color, light, and the physical encounter with the paint. This workshop is particularly suited to new artists and those who want to let go of habits that do not serve them in favor of more joyful and childlike art making.